Custom Registry Path

We are working with jFrog Artifactory and attempting to set up an internal registry. My question is not specifically to do with jFrog, but more the cargo registry set up in general.

We've got the default cargo-local set up via this guide: Cargo Package Registry - JFrog - JFrog Documentation

However, we were attempting to give each of our teams their own folder within the cargo-local repository. This appears not to work though.

When we try to publish, we get the following:
Operation failed for path 'crates/[crate_name]/[crate_name]-0.1.0.crate'

Publish is forcing us into the crates folder instead of the folder we set up for our team.

In jFrog Artifactory we can just set up different repositories for each team, but we were hoping to avoid that.

Is there any way to customize the publish path inside of cargo? And then also, is there a way to tell the dependencies we pull into look somewhere other than the crates path?

For example, change the path to: [team_name]/[crate_name]/[crate_name]-0.1.0.crate

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