Current DateTime using microbit-v2 crate

let scl = board.i2c_external.scl.into_floating_input().degrade();
let sda = board.i2c_external.sda.into_floating_input().degrade();
let i2c = twim::Twim::new(
       twim::Pins { scl, sda },
       twim::Frequency::K100, // 100 kHz I2C frequency );
 // Initialize the DS3231 RTC
let mut rtc = Ds323x::new_ds3231(i2c);
let datetime = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 12, 24).unwrap();
 rprintln!("{:?}", datetime);
let result = match rtc.set_date(&datetime) {
      Ok(r) => r,
       Err(e) => {
            rprintln!("Error {:?}", e);

I want to be able to get the date (current date time), but I am finding it quite difficult. Here 'rtc.set_date' I keep on getting the error Error Comm(DMABufferNotInDataMemory).

From what I've read on the crate, .degrade() is converting variables scl and sda from P0_26<Input<Floating>> to Pin<Mode> rather than Pin<Input<Floating>> as required by the Pin struct from twim::Twim::new(). Maybe .degrade() is stripping away useful information the Pins struct requires so try initializing without it.