Creating a trait object for a cloneable iterator

I have a type alias

type BoxIter<'a, T: Clone> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a T> + 'a>;

and I've run into a snag where I need Iterator to be cloneable

type BoxIter<'a, T: Clone> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a T> + 'a + Clone>;

Gives me an error
and I've also tried

trait CloneableIterator: Iterator + Clone {}
impl<I> CloneableIterator for I where I: Iterator, I: Clone {}

But it complains about CloneableIterator not being sized when I try to create a trait object from it. (I've tried giving it Sized as well)
I found other people having the same issue here

I was wondering if there's a solution to this

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