I have some code where I need to store some mapping in a static configuration. For each string I want to store, I need another string that is just an extension of the first string.
lazy_static! {
static ref A: BTreeMap<&'static str, usize> = {
let mut v: BTreeMap<&str, usize> = BTreeMap::default();
v.insert("hi", 1);
v.insert("hi there", 2);
this works and I get:
vec: ["hi", "hi there"]
to avoid errors in the configuration, I tried to generate the second string with a macro
macro_rules! twice {
($var:expr) => {
($var, stringify!(format!("{} there", $var)))
fn store<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str, dest: &mut BTreeMap<&'a str, usize>) {
dest.insert(x, 1);
dest.insert(y, 2);
lazy_static! {
static ref A: BTreeMap<&'static str, usize> = {
let mut v: BTreeMap<&str, usize> = BTreeMap::default();
let (a,b): (&str, &str) = twice!("hi");
store(a, b, &mut v);
this type checks but gives undesired results because of my use of stringify
vec: ["format ! ( \"{} there\" , \"hi\" )", "hi"]
I cannot figure out how to generate the desired strings with a macro and would need some advice.
here is the code sample in a playground: Rust Playground