Cookie set by reqwest via header::COOKIE in headers doesnt count as cookies by backend servers

I'm working on project that includes server and gui. I have authorization and authentication via access_token and refresh_token. refresh_token is set in cookie and access_token is passed in headers. In gui i don't have cookie mechanism to automatically manage them so i have to do it manually.

My app saves refresh_token in file for now. On every app startup it reads that file and gets refresh_token. Then it tries to get new access_token.
Here is the function:

pub async fn gen_access_token(
    client: Client,
    refresh_token: RefreshToken, // <- String
) -> Result<AccessToken, NetworkError> { // AccessToken is string as well
    println!("RERESH TOKEN SEND: {}", refresh_token);
    let res = client
        .header(COOKIE, refresh_token)

    let status_code = res.status();
    let content = res.text().await.unwrap();
    if status_code.is_client_error() || status_code.is_server_error() {
        return Err(NetworkError {
            status_code: status_code.as_u16(),
            error_message: content,

    println!("STATUS CODE: {}\nCONTENT: {}", status_code, content);

    return Ok(content);

It does set cookie in header, but in my actix server i cant access it through HttpRequest.cookie("refresh_token"), but can with HttpReqest.headers.get("Cookie")

Why is that happening? If i can't pass refresh_token with cookie is there any reason not to use just 1 token? Maybe there is some better pattern for gui auth?

What is the implementation used to convert refresh_token into a HeaderValue?

I guess it uses this one
refresh_token is string

Cookies are set by the server, not by the client.

yeah, server sends me cookie. I store them in file, but when i want to send it back, i'm facing the problem above

I don't quite understand how cookies work. But i guess its still up to client weather send them or not. I might be wrong

The HttpRequest.cookie("refresh_token") probably expects the cookie to be some key value format. Is your refresh_token string simply the token itself?

Yes its coming from server. I don't change it on client, so its 100% valid cookie. They are build buy actix-web with cookie feature. Also they do work if i use browser like env like insomnia or postman

The problem is how Cookie header interprets multiple cookies. They are devided by ; and cookie might have some attributes like samesite httponly etc etc. And they are separated with ; as well. If i replace all ; of attributes it will work just fine

It appears that browsers send cookie using Cookie header. But. They only send value part of cookie. e.g. they don't send Path SameSite etc. They use it as guidance how to use this cookie.