So, I'm writing a driver for NVMe controllers and the identify namespace and controller data structures look like this in rust:
pub struct IdentifyNamespaceResponse {
// Namespace size
pub nsez: u128,
// Namespace capabilities
pub ncap: u128,
// Namespace utilization
pub nuse: u128,
// Namespace features
pub nsfeat: u8,
// No. of LBA formats
pub nlbaf: u8,
// Formatted LBA size
pub flbas: u8,
// Metadata capabilities
pub mc: u8,
// End-to-end Data Protection Capabilities
pub dpc: u8,
// End-to-end Data Protection Type Settings
pub dps: u8,
// Namespace Multi-path I/O and Namespace Sharing Capabilities
pub nmic: u8,
// Reservation Capabilities
pub rescap: u8,
// Format Progress Indicator
pub fpi: u8,
// Deallocate Logical Block Features
pub dlfeat: u8,
// Namespace Atomic Write Unit Normal
pub nawun: u16,
// Namespace Atomic Write Unit Power Fail
pub nawupf: u16,
// Namespace Atomic Compare & Write Unit
pub nacwu: u16,
// Namespace Atomic Boundary Size Normal
pub nabsn: u16,
// Namespace Atomic Boundary Offset
pub nabo: u16,
// Namespace Atomic Boundary Size Power Fail
pub nabspf: u16,
// Namespace Optimal I/O Boundary
pub noiob: u16,
// NVM Capacity
pub nvmcap: u128,
// Namespace Preferred Write Granularity
pub npwg: u16,
// Namespace Preferred Write Alignment
pub npwa: u16,
// Namespace Preferred Deallocate Granularity
pub npdg: u16,
// Namespace Preferred Deallocate Alignment
pub npda: u16,
// Namespace Optimal Write Size
pub nows: u16,
_rsvd1: [u8; 18],
// ANA Group Identifier
pub anagrpid: u32,
_rsvd2: [u8; 3], // Should this be a u32 (its bytes 98:96)?
// Namespace attributes
pub nsattr: u8,
// NVM Set Identifier
pub nvmsetid: u16,
// Endurance Group Identifier
pub endgid: u16,
// Namespace Globally Unique Identifier
pub nsguid: u128,
// IEEE Extended Unique Identifier
pub eui64: u64,
// LBA Format Support
pub lbaf: [u32; 16],
_rsvd3: [u8; 192],
// Vendor-specific
pub vs: [u8; 3712], // Should this be 3713? Bytes 4095:384.
pub struct IdentifyControllerResponse {
// PCI Vendor ID
pub vid: u16,
// PCI Subsystem Vendor ID
pub svid: u16,
// Serial Number
pub sn: [u8; 20],
// Model Number
pub mn: [u8; 40],
// Firmware Revision
pub fr: [u8; 8],
// Recommended Arbitration Burst
pub rab: u8,
// IEEE OUI Identifier
pub ieee: [u8; 3],
// Controller Multi-Path I/O and Namespace Sharing Capabilities
pub cmic: u8,
// Maximum Data Transfer Size
pub mdts: u8,
// Controller ID
pub cntlid: u16,
// Version
pub ver: u32,
// RTD3 Resume Latency
pub rtd3r: u32,
// RTD3 Entry Latency
pub rtd3e: u32,
// Optional Asynchronous Events Supported
pub oaes: u32,
// Controller Attributes
pub ctratt: u32,
// Read Recovery Levels Supported
pub rrls: u16,
_rsvd: [u8; 9],
// Controller Type
pub cntrltype: u8,
// FRU Globally Unique Identifier
pub fguid: u128,
// Command Retry Delay Times
pub crdt: [u16; 3],
_rsvd2: [u8; 119],
// NVM Subsystem Report
pub nvmsr: u8,
// VPD Write Cycle Information
pub vwci: u8,
// Management Endpoint Capabilities
pub mec: u8,
// Optional Admin Command Support
pub oacs: u16,
// Abort Command Limit
pub acl: u8,
// Asynchronous Event Request Limit
pub aerl: u8,
// Firmware Updates
pub frmw: u8,
// Log Page Attributes
pub lpa: u8,
// Error Log Page Entries
pub elpe: u8,
// Number of Power States Support
pub npss: u8,
// Admin Vendor Specific Command Configuration
pub avscc: u8,
// Autonomous Power State Transition Attributes
pub apsta: u8,
// Warning Composite Temperature Threshold
pub wctemp: u16,
// Critical Composite Temperature Threshold
pub cctemp: u16,
// Maximum Time for Firmware Activation
pub mtfa: u16,
// Host Memory Buffer Preferred Size
pub hmpre: u32,
// Host Memory Buffer Minimum Size
pub hmmin: u32,
// Total NVM Capacity
pub tnvmcap: u128,
// Unallocated NVM Capacity
pub unvmcap: u128,
// Replay Protected Memory Block Support
pub rpmbs: u32,
// Extended Device Self-test Time
pub edstt: u16,
// Device Self-test Options
pub dsto: u8,
// Firmware Update Granularity
pub fwug: u8,
// Keep Alive Support
pub kas: u16,
// Host Controlled Thermal Management Attributes
pub hctma: u16,
// Minimum Thermal Management Temperature
pub mntmt: u16,
// Maximum Thermal Management Temperature
pub mxtmt: u16,
// Sanitize Capabilities
pub sanicap: u32,
// Host Memory Buffer Minimum Descriptor Entry Size
pub hmminds: u32,
// Host Memory Maximum Descriptors Entries
pub hmmaxd: u16,
// NVM Set Identifier Maximum
pub nsetidmax: u16,
// Endurance Group Identifier Maximum
pub endgidmax: u16,
// ANA Transition Time
pub anatt: u8,
// Asymmetric Namespace Access Capabilities
pub anacap: u8,
// ANA Group Identifier Maximum
pub anagrpmax: u32,
// Number of ANA Group Identifiers
pub nanagrpid: u32,
// Persistent Event Log Size
pub pels: u32,
_rsvd3: [u8; 156],
// Submission Queue Entry Size
pub sqes: u8,
// Completion Queue Entry Size
pub cqes: u8,
// Maximum Outstanding Commands
pub maxcmd: u16,
// Number of Namespaces
pub nn: u32,
// Optional NVM Command Support
pub oncs: u16,
// Fused Operation Support
pub fuses: u16,
// Format NVM Attributes
pub fna: u8,
// Volatile Write Cache
pub vwc: u8,
// Atomic Write Unit Normal
pub awun: u16,
// Atomic Write Unit Power Fail
pub awupf: u16,
// NVM Vendor Specific Command Configuration
pub nvscc: u8,
// Namespace Write Protection Capabilities
pub nwpc: u8,
// Atomic Compare & Write Unit
pub acwu: u16,
_rsvd4: u16,
// SGL Support
pub sgls: u32,
// Maximum Number of Allowed Namespaces
pub mnan: u32,
_rsvd5: [u8; 224],
// NVM Subsystem NVMe Qualified Name
pub subnqn: [u8; 256],
_rsvd6: [u8; 768],
// I/O Queue Command Capsule Supported Size
pub ioccsz: u32,
// I/O Queue Response Capsule Supported Size
pub iorcsz: u32,
// In Capsule Data Offset
pub icdoff: u16,
// Fabrics Controller Attributes
pub fcatt: u8,
// Maximum SGL Data Block Descriptors
pub msdbd: u8,
// Optional Fabric Commands Support
pub ofcs: u16,
_rsvd7: [u8; 242],
// Power State Descriptors
pub psd: [[u128; 2]; 31],
// Vendor Specific
pub vs: [u8; 1024],
These structures can be found in Figures 247 and 249 of the NVM Express specification (pg. 163-172 and 172-194, sections and Note that figure 249 references figure 30 of the NVMe-Over Fabrics specification (pg. 35, section 4.1). However, I have a couple problems:
- Default is not implemented for some of the fields in either data structure (those over 32 items). Implementing Default shouldn't be too difficult, though I don't think its necessary for these since I shouldn't ever need to initialize them to fill them manually (I hope).
- The FromBytes derive macro from the zerocopy crate is not implemented for most of the fields of either data structure. This is a problem because I don't want to pollute my code by attempting to manually fill these data structures and then returning them to the caller (which could easily fill a few hundred lines right there). I know that in C you can do this -- access raw memory and point a structure at it and then access the members -- but I'd like to know if there's a crate that already does this, other than zerocopy, that does not have zerocopy's limitations? Zerocopy is not trivially extensible (in fact, I don't think you can without editing the source code of the crate itself and hacking something together through that). I'll delve into unsafe code if necessary, but I'd like to try and remain in the realm of "safe" code (even if I am working with hardware) before I go and throw down the gauntlet and utilize unsafe member accesses.
Additionally, I'm not precisely sure if my fields are correct as regards the type, though I've done my best to ensure that they do align perfectly within the specifications requirements. However, I can easily check this via other NVMe implementations in C, so I don't need anyone to verify that here (though go ahead if you like).