Confusion about 'Variable bindings'

fn main() {
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let v2 = v;
    let v = v2;   //this line is ok.


In other language, such as "C", such code can cause a redefinition error.
like this,

int main() {
    int a = 10;
    int b = a;
    int a = b;
    return 0;

Dos the Rust permits 'redefinition' of a variable? are there really two 'v' on stack? or let v = v2 just return the ownersip back to ' v ' and there is one ' v ' ?

This is called "shadowing".

Semantically speaking, the Vec struct on the stack (pointer, length capacity, NOT the data) get copied twice. LLVM should optimize this entire program to a noop though.

With Copy types, like integers, the older info is still there, but cannot be accessed, as the new name replaces the old name.

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Thank you for your reply,which is very useful to me.

in the C-lang/ we also got "shadowing" :

int i = 45;
printf("%d\n", i); //prints 45
int i = 50; //inner i shadows outer i
printf("%d\n", i); //prints 50
printf("%d\n", i); //prints 45