fn rr(a: &String) {}
fn main() {
let mut a = String::from("abc");
let b = &mut a;//mutable borrow occurs here
let c = &*b;//immutable borrow occurs here
rr(b);//mutable borrow later used here
rr(c);//immutable borrow later used here
It can work.
But why mutable borrow and immutable borrow can cross use
There is a read-only reborrow in rr(b), you can think of it as rr(&*b).
No actual mutable/exclusive reference overlaps with shared references since (2), thus it compiles.
// MIR instructions on the right comments
// Try it yourself in playground's drop buttom on left top bar
fn rr(a: &String) {}
fn main() {
let mut a = String::from("abc"); // _1 = <String as From<&str>>::from(const "abc")
let b = &mut a; // _2 = &mut _1; (2)
let c = &*b; // _3 = &(*_2);
rr(b); // _5 = &(*_2); _4 = rr(move _5)
rr(c); // _6 = rr(_3)
I'm sorry to bother you again, I watched your tutorial but there's a sentence in your tutorial that I don't understand “ You cannot get a &'long mut U through dereferencing a &'short mut &'long mut U”
Once the outer &'short mut _ "expires", the inner &'long mut String it is borrowing must once again be exclusive. So when you reborrow through the outer &'short mut _, you can only reborrow a &'short mut String.
That's why the error says...
error: lifetime may not live long enough
--> src/lib.rs:2:5
1 | fn example<'long, 'short>(nested: &'short mut &'long mut String) -> &'long mut String {
| ----- ------ lifetime `'short` defined here
| |
| lifetime `'long` defined here
2 | &mut **nested
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function was supposed to return data with lifetime `'long` but it is returning data with lifetime `'short`
...that you're returning data with lifetime 'short.
The error also says:
= help: consider adding the following bound: `'short: 'long`
That does make things compile, but we need a little more information to understand why. In our signature, the input argument nested has type:
nested: &'short mut &'long mut String
This carries with it an implied bound of 'long: 'short, because it's invalid for the nested reference to even exist if this bound doesn't hold. When you combine this bound with 'short: 'long, it forces both the lifetimes to be equal. Just like if you had the following inequalities: