Sometimes while refactoring a change in one of the modules has impact on every other module, because say a type has been changed or a function parameter has been changed etc. In this case instead of changing everything and then compiling at once is there a way i can compile and run unit tests for only that particular module, tweak it to hearts content and when all is right changed the other modules etc and run the complete/normal cargo build/test
? Of-course one of the ways could be to manually comment/uncomment the module listings in their corresponding root module that introduces them, but is there any other way directly from say cargo test --someflag -only_this_module
or something ?
Explaining More:
say I have following modules: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
where f
depends only on g
and h
but rest of a, b, c, d, e
depend on f
(and maybe g and h
but that should not matter). g and h
ofcourse dont depend on anything from above. So if i make a change to f
i want to compile only f
and test it without changing all of them. Since f
depends only on g and h
i assume that if things are fine with these three then i should be able to test f
even though a, b ... e
are broken and crate will not compile if i do the normal cargo build/test
. Is this possible?