Compiling over LAN?

Is it possible to share compilation time to multiple PCs?

This could improve compilation of larger Rust projects massively.

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Not that I know of. The first complication is, what if they don't run the same OS, or if they don't run the same version of what otherwise would be the same OS? What if they don't have the same Rust version?
Or more subtly, not the same version of some dependency? Etc etc

This could improve compilation of larger Rust projects massively.

To a degree. Something similar is possible if you have a lot of cores in 1 machine, and even then it's only insofar you have a bunch of dependencies. It does help (speaking from experience) with the dependency tree to have a lot of cores, but there are plenty of crates where just 1 core is used e.g. macro-heavy crates.

EDIT: interestingly I just ran into sccache.

I already know sccache, but I missed that it also supports distributed compilation. I should read everything to the end

Such a pity, I thought you could do that.

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