Collect f32 range into a vector

Hello. I often create test vectors with Range and collect like so:
let my_vec = (1..10).collect::<Vec>();
I find it more useful than just writing
let my_vec = vec![1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

Only recently I wanted to create a vector of floats and found out that collect does not do:
let my_vec = (1f32..10f32).collect::<Vec>();

Rust compiler already pointed out that there is no Range iterator method. Or at least, that is what I understood.

Is there a way to keep my syntax here, like, just importing something, or would you recommend something else (better in your opinion).

Thank you a lot

A way to do it:

fn main() {
    let v: Vec<_> = (1u8 .. 10).map(f32::from).collect();
    println!("{:?}", v);
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That works out fine. But the method from is only implemented for i8, i16, u8 and u16. What if I need larger values?

An extra question I had, but forgot to mantion in the original post is:
How I could generate the intermediate values? Like [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, ......10.0]

Thank you in advance


    March 2

A way to do it:

>     fn main() {
> let v: Vec<_> = (1u8 .. 10).map(f32::from).collect();
> println!("{:?}", v);
> }

You might like itertools_num::linspace.





Sorry. I thought that would be the solution. But I can't seem to import the itertools_num crate.

I wrote my toml file with


And used both crates with

extern crate itertools;
extern crate itertools_num;

use itertools_num::linspace;

When I typed cargo build, I got.

no matching package named itertools_num found

Nevermind that. Found out that the actual dependency is name as itertools-num.

The extern crate is itertools_num.


Sorry. I thought that would be the solution. But I can't seem to import the itertools_num crate.

I wrote my toml file with

> [dependencies]
> itertools="*"
> itertools_num="*"

And used both crates with

> extern crate itertools;
> extern crate itertools_num;
> use itertools_num::linspace;