Cleaner way of writing functions with method call syntax?

I recently found myself doing something like this to get method call syntax:

pub trait Test {
    fn mk_pair(self) -> (Self, Self)
        Self: Sized + Clone,
        (self.clone(), self)

impl<T> Test for T {}

pub fn testy<T>(x: T) -> (T, T)
    T: Clone,

Silly example but as you can see I can now call x.mk_pair() instead of mk_pair(x). Probably doesn't matter much in this case but some find method call syntax nice in some cases.

Question is, is this the minimum boilerplate required? The global impl seems a bit hacky. Is there a nicer way to give a function method call syntax without as much trait/impl tomfoolery?


This is a pattern called extension traits, and yes, this is the minimal boilerplate needed.


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