Check type in a proc_macro


I have a syn::Type and would like to check if it is a String to produce a &str in my output. I'm getting mad trying to do it. How can I do it? I've been trying to do it for some ours now but haven't managed :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advance!

You can't reliably get type information at macro expansion time. Macros get expanded way before type-check. What exactly are you trying to do?

I've got a struct that has several fields. I want to create a fn for the struct that has one parameter for each field. In case its a String, instead of having a parameter with type &String I'd like the param type to be &str.

That's not going to work out. Specializing a single type like that is really hard to do. You can almost do it with specialization but you still can't project through default associated types and it requires nightly.

Can you just assume that the field is Deref and output <$ty as std::ops::Deref>::Target?

I'd like to avoid nigthly if possible. Thanks for the info anyway :smiley:

On the other hand, I don't understand the Deref. I'd like to do something like:

struct A {
  field1: String,
  field2: u16


struct A {
  field1: String,
  field2: u16

impl A {
  pub fn my_fn(field1: &str, field2: &u16) {
    // some stuff here

How can I use the Deref?

You wrote earlier that you want the output to be a &str but now it looks like you want the function argument to have that type. What are you actually trying to accomplish? Why do you need a &str argument? Do you want to compare each field with the corresponding function argument without requiring transfer of ownership on the part of the caller? Would it work to just take generic arguments in the function (ie. arg1: &Arg1Type) and add bounds like Field1Type: Borrow<Arg1Type>?

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