Casting &[i32] as &[f32]

Assuming for a moment that I have a legitimate reason to do this, is there any danger to casting &[i32] <-> &[f32] ?

Context: I have this system where the user can declare new "types" at runtime, as longa s the types consists of only i32 & f32's. So they can declare the type (i32, i32), (i32, f32), (i32, f32, f32), but not the type (i32, u8, i32). My plan is to just store this as a Vec and store how many elems the 'type' contains. My question here is -- casting between &[i32] <-> &[f32] .. are there any gotchas? (Seems like there should be none, as they have the same alignment).

EDIT: It's fine if the values is just reinterpreting bits. I'm not expecting it to do an element wise "as i32" or "as f32" when I cast the slices.

I think if you're doing direct bit reinterpretation using either f32::from_bits / to_bits it should be fine. I couldn't find any documentation saying that transmute is OK, but from_bits is documented to behave identically to transmute, and it's safe.

I'd be worried about NaN if you were doing as i32, but with from/to_bits, it should be fine and there's a valid integer value which is those bits.

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Yes, it's fine. Every neither f32and i32 have any niches or uninit bytes, and they have the exact same memory layout. So this cast is always valid. But you can't use std::mem::transmute because the layout of fat pointers is not stable.

but this is fine

fn cast(slice: &[f32]) -> &[i32] {
    unsafe {
            slice as *const [f32] as *const i32,

Slightly pedantic, is the [f32] supposed to be f32 in

slice as *const [f32] as *const i32,


I think so! It's an &[f32] so it needs to be cast to *const [f32] before it can be cast to another *const type. Casting cast &[f32] to *const [i32] would not be allowed.

bytemuck wraps these kind of casts safely. And can help with custom types with a couple unsafe impls.


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