Cargo test vs cargo bench --tests

I can't get cargo bench --tests passing while cargo test passes just fine.

cargo bench --tests
thread 'main' has overflowed its stack
fatal runtime error: stack overflow
error: An unknown error occurred

The code is basically as follows here:

    pub fn my_benchmark(b: &mut Bencher) {
      // setup test ...
      // ... 

      b.iter(|| {
      let result = tested_function();
      assert_eq!(result == true);

I'm following the recommendations from Benchmark tests.

I'd appreciate some pointer explaining why cargo bench and cargo test can behave differently here.

The main difference is that cargo bench compiles with optimizations. I think it will be identical if you run cargo test --release. But I don't know why this would cause a stack overflow.

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Figured this out: cargo bench executes multiple times not just the benchmarked closure but the whole method marked as #[bench]. It wasn't obvious to me.

The setup code in the method had a bug when being called multiple times. That's why things crash.