Cargo command returning which crates are out to date?

I was wondering if there was a cargo command returning which crates are out to date?

I realize libc was moving fast! :smiley:

Thanks in advance! :smile:

see GitHub - kbknapp/cargo-outdated: A cargo subcommand for displaying when Rust dependencies are out of date

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A built in command would be cool! Hope Cargo will have this one day.

It actually does list outdated crates when you do a cargo update but it also update the crates.

I would have wanted a command just stopping at the first step. :smile:

Some sort of --dry-run would be nice to have.

It could also warn you if you haven't checked for up-to-date dependencies for say a week (configurable in Cargo.toml or .cargo/config).

Or cargo status :smiley:

Cargo-outdated is early in-develop for now.
You can help it improve adding yours ideas as Issues, or creating PR.
Everyone will be heard :wink:

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