Can't put a JoinHandle on struct and then `join()` it because of ownership

I've made an iterator that gets data from crossbeam::Receiver and then should join the thread, by calling .join() on the JoinHandle instance.

I first tried to put .join() into next() method, but it caused an error: "can't move out of which is behind a mutable reference." I tried to put it into drop -- because supposed it should destroy the object, but it made the same error.

struct BgIterator {
	th: thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), BgIterError<OsmObj>>>,
	rc: crossbeam::Receiver<OsmObj>

impl Drop for BgIterator {
	fn drop(&mut self) {;

Compilation error:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of `` which is behind a mutable reference
   --> src/
316 |;
    |         ^^^^^^^ move occurs because `` has type `JoinHandle<Result<(), BgIterError<OsmObj>>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

No matter what other tricks I played, it always hit this "can't move out..." issue.

  1. Box-ing
  2. having Option<JoinHandle<...>> type and trying to pop the object
  3. calling as_ref on it
  4. calling as_mut (as suggested here)
  5. unpacking into vars
  6. if let Some(th) = { -- from here, same error
  7. naive let (th, = (, None) -- same error

What's the way to solve this?

Doing (from here) actually does the trick, but is there a more direct way?

[added] A more direct approach I found here, using swap or mem::take.

struct BgIterator {
	th: Option<thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), BgIterError<OsmObj>>>>,
	rc: crossbeam::Receiver<OsmObj>
impl Drop for BgIterator {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		if let Some(th) = {

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