Hello everybody,
currently, I am facing a problem, that I can't solve myself. I have a file and read the content into a Vec<&str>. The file contains a bunch of lines with hostname and MAC address as follows:
hostname1 aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
hostname2 00:11:22:33:44:55
Now, I am looking for a way to get the MAC address of a specific hostname.
I was thinking about two possible solutions:
- Parsing into HashMap<hostname, MAC>
My first approach was to simply parse each line into a hash map and then get the requested MAC address by running hashmap.get(hostname)
The problem I am facing with this solution is the lifetime of the variables as you can see in the code:
fn run(cfg: &Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut file = File::open(HOST_FILE)?;
let lines: Vec<_> = BufReader::new(file).lines().collect::<Result<_, _>>().unwrap();
if lines.len() <= 0 {
panic!("No hosts configured");
// parse HOST_FILE lines into host hash map
let mut hosts: HashMap<&str, [u8; 6]> = HashMap::new();
for l in lines {
let (host, mac) = parse_host(l.as_str())?;
hosts.insert(host, mac);
let mac = hosts.get(&cfg.host.as_str()).ok_or(||
panic!(format!("Host {} is not configured", cfg.host)));
The loop has the variable l
, and this variable will be parsed in the parse_host(&str) function. The return values are inserted into the hash map hosts
. And this is where the compiler aborts. 'l' does not live long enough
- Filtering the
After failing implementing the first approach, I was thinking about a cleaner solution. Instead of having the overhead of parsing every line into a hash map, I actually just need to parse a single line, namely that line with the corresponding hostname. All of the other files are irrelevant and doesn't need to be stored in a hash map.
But also here, I fail to implement it.
Personally, I prefer implementing the second solution, but nevertheless, I am interested in also having a solution for my first issue (to improve my rust knowledge).
So, the things I have at the moment are the lines of the file in a Vec<&str>
and I need to filter these lines. I tried to do it like this:
let tmp = lines.into_iter().filter(|l| l.contains(cfg.host));
Unfortunately, I fail in any further step. Can someone help me to extract only the line which contains the requested hostname? This line will be parsed to a hostname and a MAC address, and the MAC will be data I need, whereas the hostname is the data I know while executing the program.
I will be thankful for any helpful answer.
Best regards!