Can somebody explain how a simple Warp function works?

I've been working on a new API and it has been a while. I've copied over some old code but for some reason I keep getting errors I have never seen on the old API.

    | |                     -^^ method cannot be called due to unsatisfied trait bounds
    | |_____________________|

And for example:

error[E0277]: the trait bound Box<(dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static)>: reject::sealed::CombineRejection<Rejection> is not satisfied.

While this was working fine on my old API.

Example snippet:

let health_route = warp::path("health")

async fn health_check() -> std::result::Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {
    Ok(warp::reply::json(&"Service is up and running"))

        .run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 3030))

This very simple health check I can' even get to work due to FilterBase or Filter not being satisfied! Error:

    | |                     -^^ method cannot be called due to unsatisfied trait bounds
12  |   pub struct AndThen<T, F> {
    |   ------------------------ doesn't satisfy `_: FilterBase` or `_: Filter`

Please help me!

You should either read the documentation for the version you're now using or in your new project use the same version of your dependency as in your old project.

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