Can I use Iced for a touchscreen in Linux?

I've started a project using egui, but today I've found out that has immediate mode, which isn't best for a controller like ARM Cortex-A72 (probably the company will be buying controllers less powerful).
So I'm gonna switch to Iced, but is it currently possible to handle touch events? Couldn't find any examples

For now I didn't write too much code in the project, so switching will not be painful. And, honestly, I like more the way of Iced
(I've been learning Rust for one month by myself, therefore I could miss the answer before my eyes)
Thx in advance!

How did you that out? Please explain why the ARM Cortex A72 and immediate mode are incompatible.

It's compatible, but it isn't a perfect solution. The company where I'm working isn't stable. Today they will be buying ARM Cortex-A72, tomorrow they will be bying ESP32. It wants the app to be as resource-efficient as my skills will allow

Iced isn't going to run on an esp32 I think. Both of iced's backends (the wgpu and the tiny-skia based ones) require winit. Winit afaik requires a full OS with a display server to be running, but the esp32-idf framework doesn't have builtin display server. Instead you as application are responsible for getting user input and drawing to the framebuffer yourself. The embedded-graphics crate may work for rendering. It doesn't handle UI interaction however.

You seem to imply that immediate-mode is not efficient, why do you think that?

Proving Immediate Mode GUIs are Performant.

An obvious optimization to any IMGUI library is to do zero work if there is no input and no state change. This is trivial for an application to implement.

All tested IMGUI frameworks support "idle optimization". I verified it works and drops the GUI power cost to ~zero. Just like you would expect. If your UI is mostly static then the answer to "is IMGUI a battery drain" is unambigously no.

If you will be targeting embedded (without OS) I believe slint is your best bet currently, but note that it requires a commercial license for closed source embedded projects. You can use it for free if you only target desktop or if you are willing to go open source (GPL3).