Calling sqlx query inside tide route panics with "this functionality requires a Tokio context"

I'm currently trying to learn async, and I'm building a simple webapp using tide and sqlx.

I'm trying to get a route endpoint to perform an SQL query and return the result, but when this route is accessed, sqlx panics with the message "this functionality requires a Tokio context".

Clearly I am not understanding somethng important about async here, can you help me understand what I don't understand and how to fix this please:

async fn main() -> tide::Result<()> {
    let mut app: Server<State> = Server::with_state(State { db_pool });
    let rows = query!("select 1 as one").fetch_one(&db_pool).await?;
    //this works fine"/").get(|req: Request<State>| async move {
	    let db_pool = &req.state().db_pool;
	    let rows = query!("select 1 as one").fetch_one(db_pool).await?;
	    //this panics

The State struct just contains a reference to the db_pool.

Have you configured sqlx to use tokio as described here?:

Or are you using async_std rather than tokio?

I'm using tokio, my dependencies look like

sqlx = { version = "0.7", features = [ "runtime-tokio", "postgres" ] }
tokio = { version = "1.38.1", features = ["full"] }

and it works fine in other places other than here. What's weird is that the backtrace mentions async-std:

thread 'async-std/runtime' panicked at --snip--/sqlx-core-0.7.4/src/rt/

I am not familiar with these libraries. But for learning async, I have the feeling you're making things more difficult by choosing a web framework written for async_std and using it with tokio. To reduce the number of things you have to deal with as you learn, you may want to choose a matching pair: tokio with axum (or others written for tokio), or async_std with tide.

You might as well post the full backtrace in case someone more familiar with these libraries takes a look.

Ahh, I didn't realise that could be an issue. It seems like the tide framework is indeed written for async_std. I switched to using that and my example works fine now! Many thanks!

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Glad that worked.

Yes. But I can't tell whether there is a way to make tide work with tokio or not. There are some older tide github issues saying it doesn't work, but this one says tide can be useed with async_std 1.9, which allows it to work with tokio:

See "Tokio 1.0 compat" section in the 1.9 release notes. There is a tokio1 feature flag that can be set. So this means you would need to specify both async-std and tokio as dependencies, so that tide would use the version of async_std with the tokio feature flag.

In any case, for learning I'm sure it is easier to use tide with async_std.

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