I'm trying (as an exercise) to convert an existing C++ library into Rust code. The original C++ library can be found here:
Source code:
Right now I avoided some topics like inheritance but implemented parts of a test.cpp file (using parts of the library) and tried to use similar names for the structs and members. The Rust code can be found here:
But let's get to the questions I have. Here is a function used in the original C++ code:
Partio::ParticlesDataMutable* makeData()
Partio::ParticlesDataMutable& foo=*Partio::create();
Partio::ParticleAttribute positionAttr=foo.addAttribute("position",Partio::VECTOR,3);
Partio::ParticleAttribute lifeAttr=foo.addAttribute("life",Partio::FLOAT,2);
Partio::ParticleAttribute idAttr=foo.addAttribute("id",Partio::INT,1);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
Partio::ParticleIndex index=foo.addParticle();
float* pos=foo.dataWrite<float>(positionAttr,index);
float* life=foo.dataWrite<float>(lifeAttr,index);
int* id=foo.dataWrite<int>(idAttr,index);
return &foo;
Data gets stored by a class called ParticlesSimple:
class ParticlesSimple:public ParticlesDataMutable,
public Provider
std::vector<char*> attributeData; // Inside is data of appropriate type
The dataWrite part basically casts pointers to bytes of the appropriate type:
class ParticlesDataMutable:public ParticlesData
//! Get a pointer to the data corresponding to the given particleIndex and
//! attribute given by the attribute handle.
template<class T> inline T* dataWrite(const ParticleAttribute& attribute,
const ParticleIndex particleIndex) const
// TODO: add type checking
return static_cast<T*>(dataInternal(attribute,particleIndex));
void* ParticlesSimple::
dataInternal(const ParticleAttribute& attribute,const ParticleIndex particleIndex) const
assert(attribute.attributeIndex>=0 && attribute.attributeIndex<(int)attributes.size());
return attributeData[attribute.attributeIndex]+attributeStrides[attribute.attributeIndex]*particleIndex;
I just wanted to get to the point that I have some compileable Rust code which I can share and discuss. I just made some stuff pub to access it (from outside the library) and hacked the values into the attribute_data:
// lib
pub struct ParticlesSimple {
pub attribute_data: Vec<Box<[u8]>>,
// examples (using lib)
fn make_data() -> partio::ParticlesSimple {
// use builder to create defaults
let builder: partio::ParticlesSimpleBuilder = partio::ParticlesSimpleBuilder::new();
let mut foo: partio::ParticlesSimple = builder.finalize();
// add attributes
let position_attr: partio::ParticleAttribute =
foo.add_attribute("position", partio::ParticleAttributeType::VECTOR, 3);
let life_attr: partio::ParticleAttribute =
foo.add_attribute("life", partio::ParticleAttributeType::FLOAT, 2);
let id_attr: partio::ParticleAttribute =
foo.add_attribute("id", partio::ParticleAttributeType::INT, 1);
// add some particle data
for i in 0..5 {
let index: partio::ParticleIndex = foo.add_particle();
// TODO: dataWrite<...>(attr, index)
let ref mut data_ref = foo.attribute_data;
println!("{:p}", data_ref as *const _);
// HELP with this part, please
foo // return
The part I marked above with HELP looks for example like this (ugly I know):
// float* life=foo.dataWrite<float>(lifeAttr,index);
let ref mut life = data_ref[life_attr.attribute_index];
// life[0]=-1.2+i;
let life_0: f64 = -0.2_f64 + i as f64;
let raw_bytes: [u8; 8] = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(life_0) };
for bi in 0..8 {
life[bi + 0 * 8 + 2 * 8 * i] = raw_bytes[bi];
// life[1]=10.;
let life_1: f64 = 10.0_f64;
let raw_bytes: [u8; 8] = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(life_1) };
for bi in 0..8 {
life[bi + 1 * 8 + 2 * 8 * i] = raw_bytes[bi];
println!("life data{:?}", life);
Any idea's how I could solve the problem in Rust in an elegant way?