Build with `-Zpanic-in-drop=abort` failed with errors

Compile with -Zpanic-in-drop=abort and build-std options got lots of errors as below:

error: the crate `std` is compiled with the panic-in-drop strategy `unwind` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `abort`

error: the crate `core` is compiled with the panic-in-drop strategy `unwind` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `abort`

error: the crate `rustc_std_workspace_core` is compiled with the panic-in-drop strategy `unwind` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `abort`

error: the crate `alloc` is compiled with the panic-in-drop strategy `unwind` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `abort`

error: the crate `libc` is compiled with the panic-in-drop strategy `unwind` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `abort`

error: the crate `unwind` is compiled with the panic-in-drop strategy `unwind` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `abort`

How to change libs panic-in-drop strategy from unwind to abort?

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