Breaking out of a (fold) iterator?

So a pretty standard pattern in imperative programming is to create some mutable state (like sum), then iterate over some values, check a predicate, and if the predicate fails, break the for-loop.

the functional tool, fold does something similar, but I can't break out of the iterator. I can instead use something like take_while, but that's the best I can think of.

Is that my best shot here?

fn main() {
    // some vector of maybe bad overflow stuff
    let p: Vec<u128> = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
    let mut is_overflow = false;
    let sum: u128 = p.iter().fold(0, |acc, &amt| {
        match u128::checked_add(acc, amt) {
            None => {
                is_overflow = true;
                //break; // can't!
            Some(x) => x,

    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut is_overflow = false;
    let _: Vec<_> = p
        .take_while(|&amt| match u128::checked_add(sum, amt) {
            Some(x) => {
                sum = x;
            None => {
                is_overflow = true;

There is try_fold, which lets you return Ok to continue and Err to break out of it.

I'm on my phone now so it's hard to type an example

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That's dedication to the Rust community. Thanks!

my example is literally in the doc comment. LOL

/// // This sum overflows when adding the 100 element
    /// let sum = it.try_fold(0i8, |acc, &x| acc.checked_add(x));
    /// assert_eq!(sum, None);

Another flavor of a sum using a subset of the values is to use filter. Clearly different than a “break when”, but often used.

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