@ogeon Thank you very much! I have made the changes to the impl's search and it works a treat. Below is the updated code for anyone who might find this useful!
use std::collections::hash_map::{HashMap, Entry};
type UidGidHashMap = HashMap<u32, String>;
struct UidGidHash { mapper: UidGidHashMap }
impl UidGidHash {
fn search(&mut self, key: u32) -> String {
match self.mapper.entry(key.to_owned()) {
// Cache miss - lookup user_name and store
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let user_name = lookup_user(key);
return user_name
// Cache hit - return value
Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
return entry.get().to_owned()
fn main() {
// Gets "Jenny" - a direct lookup is working fine
let mut uid = 503;
let myuser = lookup_user(uid);
println!("{:?}", myuser);
// Create struct with hashmap of uids->usernames
let mut table = UidGidHash { mapper: UidGidHashMap::new() };
// Look for Jenny in the cache. As it is empty, insert the K:V pair, getting V from lookup_user(uid: u32)
uid = 503;
let user = table.search(uid);
println!("User is {:?}", user);
uid = 502;
let user = table.search(uid);
println!("HashMap contains:\n{:#?}", table.mapper);
fn lookup_user(uid: u32) -> String {
let user = match uid {
0 => "root",
502 => "Matt",
503 => "Jenny",
_ => "UNKNOWN!"