I'm a grad student looking to take this IoT course next spring. The class uses the Blue Gecko Development Kit made by Silicon Labs. I'm required to use their IDE "Simplicity" which has tools to profile energy performance. The class is currently using bare C for completing the course. I would like to use Rust but the platform/IDE may not support this yet hence is why I'm here.
I cannot find any information regarding Rust in reference to this Kit/IDE but I've read Rust has support for a few ARM cortex processors. The link to the dev kit is below. How should I get started in determining whether I will be able to do this? As of now, the teacher loaned the kit to me to try out before class starts (January 2018). Therefore, I already have access to this kit. I'm just confused on how to proceed.
I'm very interested in developing a Rust framework for a few other MCU's that I plan to design/spin. Using Rust for this class would be a great way for me to learn Rust in general and compare it's performance to C from a energy & optimization standpoint. I'm just hoping someone has some good advice in how I can determine whether this is possible or not.
Thanks ~S