Blocking certain calls

I want to do something slightly odd. I'm assuming there are no means to do what I want, but I just wasted some time chasing down an issue relating to this, so:

I have a build system for a somewhat large project written in Rust. It has two major phases; one single-threaded which transitions over to the other, which is multi-threaded. During the single-threaded phase it's perfectly okay for a functions to change the current working directory (because each new major function changes its directory to where it needs to be).

For obvious reasons changing directory in a multi-threaded is a major no-no.

I would like to block std::env::set_current_dir from being called. Yes, I know there are other ways to do that, like libc::chdir. If someone is actively looking for a footgun, there isn't much I can do about it -- but what I want to protect against is someone down the line accidentally not being aware of a particular module belonging to the multithreaded phase and calling set_current_dir in it. (This constraint could be enforced on a module basis).

Is there something akin to:


.. ?

Doesn't really matter if it's compile time or runtime, as long as it goes very kaboom so it's impossible to miss.

No, I'm pretty sure there isn't.


Can you use #[no_std]? That will disable use of std everywhere in your program. You can still get environment variables with core::env at compile time, without allowing it to be changed.

Here's a silly idea: have your own function called set_current_dir that's imported into each module associated with the multi-threaded phase.

fn set_current_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(_path: P) -> std::io::Result<()> {
    panic!("no `chdir` in the multi-threaded phase!")

It doesn't help if someone uses the qualified path std::env::set_current_dir, but if they just write set_current_dir then rustc should throw a name resolution error and hopefully that gives people pause/causes them to look at the code for the in-crate set_current_dir (where they'll see the panic message or an explanatory comment).

Never tried anything like this but I'm wondering how difficult it'd be to use and patch chmod() function to do whatever you need it to do (like enable the actual call only if some global flag is on.)

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