This is more of a "best practice" question, it bugs me a bit, so here it is
I'm writing a CRUD backend in rust. I can create/edit/etc.. todos.
Thus, I have an axum router, which receives the requests and then forwards it to a todo service.
The question is, when creating or editing a todo, is it better to have signatures like these:
impl TodoService {
pub async fn create(&self, name: &str, parent_id: Option<i32>) -> ..
pub async fn edit(&self, id: i32, name: &str, parent_id: Option<i32>) -> ...
or is it better to give the structures themselves to the todo service, like so:
impl TodoService {
pub async fn create(&self, &mut todo: Todo) -> ... // or not mut and return the created Todo, with it's id, etc..
pub async edit(&self, &todo: Todo) -> ...
The first one seems more explicit, and clear, but then we loose the whole static stuff by passing integer ids, which is a shame (i.e. we can mix those up with a TodoDate id, etc..)
The second one seems less error prone, but then how do you deal with fields that are created by the db (eg. the autoincrement id) ?
What do you reckon?
Thank you!