I've taken another look at the binarytrees benchmark:
This is the "reference" C version single-thread and without specialized memory allocation:
This is its recursive tree allocation function:
treeNode* BottomUpTree(long item, unsigned depth)
if (depth > 0)
return NewTreeNode
BottomUpTree(2 * item - 1, depth - 1),
BottomUpTree(2 * item, depth - 1),
return NewTreeNode(NULL, NULL, item);
It allocates on the heap a tree even when depth is zero. The Java code does the same:
private static TreeNode bottomUpTree(final int item, final int depth) {
if (0 < depth) {
return new TreeNode(bottomUpTree(2 * item - 1, depth - 1), bottomUpTree(2 * item, depth - 1), item);
return new TreeNode(item);
The faster solution in C also does the same:
static inline tree_node * create_Tree(const intnative_t root_Node_Value,
const intnative_t tree_Depth, apr_pool_t * const memory_Pool){
tree_node * const root_Node=apr_palloc(memory_Pool, sizeof(tree_node));
root_Node->left_Node=create_Tree(2*root_Node_Value-1, tree_Depth-1,
root_Node->right_Node=create_Tree(2*root_Node_Value, tree_Depth-1,
return root_Node;
But the Rust entry returns a value when depth is zero:
fn bottom_up_tree<'r>(arena: &'r Arena<Tree<'r>>, item: i32, depth: i32)
-> Option<&'r Tree<'r>> {
if depth > 0 {
let t: &Tree<'r> = arena.alloc(Tree {
l: bottom_up_tree(arena, 2 * item - 1, depth - 1),
r: bottom_up_tree(arena, 2 * item, depth - 1),
i: item
} else {
This small change halves the run-time of the Rust code. So unless I'm mistaken, I think the Rust entry has a quite unfair bug.
I have also seen copy_arena is a bit faster than typed_arena on my PC. So this is my modified and hopefully fixed version (I don't know why the site version uses args_os() instead of args()):
// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/
// contributed by the Rust Project Developers
// contributed by TeXitoi
extern crate copy_arena;
use std::thread;
use copy_arena::{Arena, Allocator};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Tree<'a> {
l: Option<&'a Tree<'a>>,
r: Option<&'a Tree<'a>>,
i: i32
fn item_check(t: &Option<&Tree>) -> i32 {
match *t {
None => 0,
Some(&Tree { ref l, ref r, i }) => i + item_check(l) - item_check(r)
fn bottom_up_tree<'r>(allocator: &mut Allocator<'r>, item: i32, depth: i32) -> Option<&'r Tree<'r>> {
if depth > 0 {
let t1 = bottom_up_tree(allocator, 2 * item - 1, depth - 1);
let t2 = bottom_up_tree(allocator, 2 * item, depth - 1);
Some(allocator.alloc(Tree { l: t1, r: t2, i: item }))
} else {
Some(allocator.alloc(Tree { l: None, r: None, i: item }))
fn inner(depth: i32, iterations: i32) -> String {
let mut chk = 0;
for i in 1 .. iterations + 1 {
let mut arena = Arena::new();
let mut allocator = arena.allocator();
let a = bottom_up_tree(&mut allocator, i, depth);
let b = bottom_up_tree(&mut allocator, -i, depth);
chk += item_check(&a) + item_check(&b);
format!("{}\t trees of depth {}\t check: {}", iterations * 2, depth, chk)
fn main() {
let n = std::env::args().nth(1).and_then(|n| n.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(10);
let min_depth = 4;
let max_depth = if min_depth + 2 > n { min_depth + 2 } else { n };
let mut arena = Arena::new();
let mut allocator = arena.allocator();
let depth = max_depth + 1;
let tree = bottom_up_tree(&mut allocator, 0, depth);
println!("stretch tree of depth {}\t check: {}", depth, item_check(&tree));
let mut long_lived_arena = Arena::new();
let mut long_lived_allocator = long_lived_arena.allocator();
let long_lived_tree = bottom_up_tree(&mut long_lived_allocator, 0, max_depth);
let messages =
(min_depth .. max_depth + 1)
.filter(|&d| d % 2 == 0)
.map(|depth| {
let iterations = 1 << ((max_depth - depth + min_depth) as u32);
thread::spawn(move || inner(depth, iterations))
for message in messages.into_iter() {
println!("{}", message.join().unwrap());
println!("long lived tree of depth {}\t check: {}", max_depth, item_check(&long_lived_tree));
I have also seen that there's a C version (linked above) that doesn't use threads and arenas. I think it's useful to have this slower basic version too in the Computer Game site, as reference, as alternative solution (that site allows more than one solution for each language). This is a basic Rust version (for Nightly):
// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/
#![feature(box_patterns, box_syntax, inclusive_range_syntax, step_by)]
struct Tree {
l: Option<Box<Tree>>,
r: Option<Box<Tree>>,
i: i32
fn item_check(t: &Option<Box<Tree>>) -> i32 {
match *t {
None => 0,
Some(box Tree { ref l, ref r, i }) => i + item_check(l) - item_check(r)
fn bottom_up_tree(item: i32, depth: i32) -> Option<Box<Tree>> {
if depth > 0 {
Some(box Tree {
l: bottom_up_tree(2 * item - 1, depth - 1),
r: bottom_up_tree(2 * item, depth - 1),
i: item
} else {
Some(box Tree { l: None, r: None, i: item })
fn main() {
let n = std::env::args().nth(1).and_then(|n| n.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(10);
let min_depth = 4;
let max_depth = if min_depth + 2 > n { min_depth + 2 } else { n };
let stretch_depth = max_depth + 1;
let stretch_tree = bottom_up_tree(0, stretch_depth);
println!("stretch tree of depth {}\t check: {}",
stretch_depth, item_check(&stretch_tree));
let long_lived_tree = bottom_up_tree(0, max_depth);
for depth in (min_depth ... max_depth).step_by(2) {
let iterations = 1 << ((max_depth - depth + min_depth) as u32);
let mut check = 0;
for i in 1 ... iterations {
check += item_check(&bottom_up_tree(i, depth));
check += item_check(&bottom_up_tree(-i, depth));
println!("{}\t trees of depth {}\t check: {}", iterations * 2, depth, check);
println!("long lived tree of depth {}\t check: {}",
max_depth, item_check(&long_lived_tree));