Beginner lifetime question

This simple code is not compiling. What seems to be the issue? 10:15 error: the parameter type `T` may not live long enough [E0309]     val: &'a T,
               ^~~~~~~~~~ 10:15 help: run `rustc --explain E0309` to see a detailed explanation 10:15 help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `T: 'a`... 10:15 note: that the reference type `&'a T` does not outlive the data it points at     val: &'a T,
error: aborting due to previous error

use std::collections;

fn main() {
    let mut demo: MyCollection<Data<i32>> = MyCollection::new(4);
    println!("MyCollection is {:?}", demo);

struct Data<'a, T> {
    val: &'a T,

impl<'a, T> Data<'a, T>{
    pub fn new(value: &'a T) -> Data<'a, T> {
        Data { val: value }
struct MyCollection<T> {
    value: Vec<T>,

impl<T> MyCollection<T>{
    pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        MyCollection { value: Vec::with_capacity(capacity) }

    pub fn add(&mut self, val: T) {

"consider adding an explicit lifetime bound T: 'a...". See Rust Compiler Error Index, Traits etc.

Any suggestions to improve the error message or the documentation would be appreciated.

I modified it but still have compilation error. 6:39 error: x does not live long enough let data: Data = Data::new(&x);

use std::collections;

fn main() {
    let mut demo: MyCollection<Data<i32>> = MyCollection::new(4);
    let x: i32 = 20;
    let data: Data<i32> = Data::new(&x);
    println!("MyCollection is {:?}", demo);

struct Data<'a, T: 'a> {
    val: &'a T,

impl<'a, T> Data<'a, T>{
    pub fn new(value: &'a T) -> Data<'a, T> {
        Data { val: value }

struct MyCollection<T> {
    value: Vec<T>,

impl<T> MyCollection<T>{
    pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        MyCollection { value: Vec::with_capacity(capacity) }

    pub fn add(&mut self, val: T) {
let x: i32 = 20;
let mut demo: MyCollection<Data<i32>> = MyCollection::new(4);
let data: Data<i32> = Data::new(&x);

'x' should live longer than 'demo'

Yes. But how do I make it live longer?

In your example, x is initialised below demo. Initialise x first and later initialise demo. This way x will be the last one to get destroyed.

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Awesome! Thanks @kteza1.