I had some FFI code that was working fine with 1.3, but when I upgraded to 1.4 i'm suddenly crashing in the external library. I've reduced it down to be reproducible with he following code:
use std::ptr;
use libc::{c_int, c_uchar, c_ulong, c_void};
extern crate libc;
extern {
fn BN_set_word(bn : *mut c_void, w : c_ulong) -> c_int;
fn BN_CTX_new() -> *mut c_void;
fn BN_CTX_free(ctx : *mut c_void);
fn BN_CTX_start(ctx : *mut c_void);
fn BN_CTX_get(ctx : *mut c_void) -> *mut c_void;
fn BN_CTX_end(ctx : *mut c_void);
fn RSA_new() -> *mut c_void;
fn RSA_free(rsa : *mut c_void);
fn RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa : *mut c_void, bits : c_int, bn : *mut c_void, bn_gen : *mut c_void) -> c_int;
fn i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(rsa : *mut c_void, pp : &*mut c_uchar) -> c_int;
fn main() {
unsafe {
// Create a big number of 3
let bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new();
let bn = BN_CTX_get(bn_ctx);
if BN_set_word(bn, 3) != 1
panic!("Could not set the big number value to 3");
// Generate the RSA key
let ctx = RSA_new();
if RSA_generate_key_ex(ctx, 1024, bn,ptr::null_mut()) != 1
panic!("Could not generate RSA token.");
let bytes = i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(ctx, &ptr::null_mut());
println!("Number of bytes needed for public key: {}", bytes);
I'm getting the failure when running with Linux Mint 17.1/17.2 x64 (xfce). To compile the above code you also need to install libssl-dev. When compiled with 1.3 it runs fine, when compile with 1.4 it segmentation faults when it's run.
I've traced the problem down to:
let bytes = i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(ctx, &ptr::null_mut());
If I change that code to:
let ptr = ptr::null_mut();
let bytes = i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(ctx, &ptr);
The issue clears up.