Axum Server Handling Body Stream

I'm writing my own implementation of parsing S3 requests and am working on handling PutObject.

async fn handle_request(
        State(state): State<Arc<AppState>>,
        ConnectInfo(addr): ConnectInfo<SocketAddr>,
        req: Request<Body>,
    ) -> Response {
let req =
  |body| reqwest::Body::wrap_stream(SyncStream::new(body.into_data_stream())));

        let mut data = S3Data::new();
        data.req = req;
        match state.filter_chain.run_filters(&mut data).await {
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(e) => {
                return e.into_response();

This the req type I get in my handler and I'm trying to make it into a S3Data struct like below

pub trait Filter: Send + Sync {
    async fn handle(&self, data: &mut S3Data) -> Result<(), S3Error>;

pub struct S3Data {
    pub req: axum::http::Request<reqwest::Body>,

I pass the S3Data struct through a series of filters to validate the request and return appropriate error if there is one. However, I can't use the axum::body::Body type as it does not implement Sync

I also do not want to use Bytes as I believe it buffers the entire body into memory and would drastically slow down handling a PutObject operation with large files. Do I need to make my own custom struct here that implements the traits needed? I'm eventually calling this fn below so I need some way of translating the Body into a aws_sdk_s3::primitives::ByteStream

 async fn save_file(&self, bucket: &str, key: &str, data: ByteStream) -> Result<(), S3Error> {
        let response = self
            .map_err(|_| S3Error::InternalError)?;


I changed the Request type to

pub struct S3Data {
    pub req: axum::http::Request<SyncStream<BodyDataStream>>,

and going to try this out