After an interesting learning journey I finally achieved something pretty cool.
I made a library which which allows you to easily use Arti (Tor) in the ureq-library. Ureq is a pretty popular http client focusing on being simple and easy to use. With this new library it is possible to make requests over Tor without adding complex code.
The difficulties I encountered while developing this mainly were:
- Implementing ureq's
trait to intermediate between ureq's buffers and Arti's stream. - Supporting both bare HTTP and a secure HTTPS connection over TLS.
- Keeping it modular (e.g supporting
). - Bridging between ureq's sync I/O context and Arti's async I/O.
I am certain my code is far from perfect but I am eager to receive feedback to improve.
- I think my library can be simplified a bit, and types like
can be made obsolete. - Instead of unwrapping everything I tried to handle the exceptions better but I am sure it can be done better? Like making a custom error type implementing the tor error-crate.
- How is my usage of
? - It's still WIP and things like testing, error types and exception handling still need to be implemented.
- Other feedback? Like styling guidelines or readability?
Usage example
// Simple example on how to use the arti-ureq library
// to make a request over Tor using the easy-to-use
// and popular ureq http client.
use arti_ureq;
use ureq::unversioned::transport::{DefaultConnector, RustlsConnector};
use ureq::unversioned::resolver::DefaultResolver;
use tor_rtcompat::PreferredRuntime;
use arti_client::TorClientConfig;
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
// Runtime specfically for Arti.
let rt = PreferredRuntime::create().expect("Failed to create runtime.");
// Or e.g RustlsConnector::default(). Connector for ureq.
let tls = DefaultConnector::default();
// Default config for TorClient.
let config = TorClientConfig::default();
// Create a arti-connector compatiable with ureq from the ureq Connector.
let arti_connector = arti_ureq::ArtiConnector::new(rt, tls, &config);
// Create a ureq agent with the arti-connector.
let ureq_agent = ureq::Agent::with_parts(
arti_connector, // Replace with DefaultConnector::default() for non-Tor.
// Make request.
let mut request = ureq_agent
.expect("Failed to make request.");
// Get response body.
let html = request
.expect("Failed to read body.");
// Output the Tor status.
output_tor_status(&String::from_utf8(html).expect("Failed to convert to string."));
fn output_tor_status(html: &str) {
let re_tor_configured = Regex::new(r#"<h1 class=\"(not|off)\">([\s\S]*?)</h1>"#).expect("Invalid regex");
let re_ip_address = Regex::new(r#"<strong>(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})</strong>"#).expect("Invalid regex");
if let (Some(tor_configured_captured), Some(ip_addres_captured)) = (re_tor_configured.captures(&html), re_ip_address.captures(&html)) {
let tor_configured = tor_configured_captured.get(2).unwrap().as_str().trim();
let ip_address = ip_addres_captured.get(1).unwrap().as_str().trim();
let color = if tor_configured.to_lowercase().contains("not") {
} else {
println!("{}{}\x1b[0m ({})", color, tor_configured, ip_address);
name = "arti-ureq-impl-test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
arti-ureq = { path = "../arti-ureq" }
arti-client = { version = "0.25.0", features = ["rustls"] }
tor-rtcompat= {version = "0.25.0", features = ["async-std", "rustls"] }
ureq = { version = "=3.0.0-rc4", features = ["charset", "gzip", "rustls"] }
regex = "1.11.1"
Arti-ureq library
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use arti_client::{config::Reconfigure, IntoTorAddr, TorClient, TorClientConfig};
use ureq::unversioned::transport::{
Buffers, ConnectionDetails, Connector as TlsConn, LazyBuffers, NextTimeout, Transport,
use educe::Educe;
use pin_project::pin_project;
use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
use tor_proto::stream::{DataReader, DataWriter};
use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
use ureq::http::{uri::Scheme, Uri};
/// **Main entrypoint**: Create a new 'ArtiConnector' to make HTTP/S requests through Tor using ureq.
/// It combines the TorClient from Arti with the Connector trait from ureq.
/// This way the client can use both the NativeTls and Rustls implementation or bare HTTP.
/// It also provides the Runtime used for bridging between async I/O and sync I/O.
pub struct ArtiConnector<R: Runtime, TC: TlsConn> {
client: Arc<TorClient<R>>,
rt: R,
tls_conn: TC,
/// Wrapper type to implement ureq::unversioned::transport::Transport responsible for
/// providing the buffers to perform the request with ureq and to read/write the buffer
/// data to arti_client::TorClient stream.
struct ArtiHttpConnection<R: Runtime> {
inner: HttpStreamType, // Connection can be bare HTTP or a secure HTTPS connection through Tor.
r: Arc<Mutex<DataReader>>, // Read data from arti_client::TorClient stream to ureq buffer.
w: Arc<Mutex<DataWriter>>, // Write data from ureq buffer to arti_client::TorClient stream.
rt: R, // Runtime to bridge between async I/O from arti to sync I/O of ureeq.
/// Wrapper type for ureq::unversioned::transport::LazyBuffers to provide the buffer for bare HTTP.
struct ArtiHttpInner {
buffer: LazyBuffers, // Default buffer implementation for ureq directly usable in Transport.
/// Intermediator between ureq buffer and arti stream. Can be HTTP or HTTPS.
#[pin_project(project = HttpStreamTypeProj)]
enum HttpStreamType {
Secure(#[pin] Box<dyn Transport>), // HTTPS/TLS over Tor.
Unsecure(Pin<Box<ArtiHttpInner>>), // Bare HTTP over Tor.
/// Is connection secure TLS?
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum UseTls {
/// No
/// Yes
/// Implement ureq::unversioned::transport::Transport for ArtiHttpConnection.
/// Due to this implementation ArtiConnector has a valid Transport to be used with ureq.
/// In this implementation we map the ureq buffer to the arti stream. And map the
/// methods to receive and transmit data between ureq and arti.
/// Here we also bridge between the sync context ureq is usually called from and Arti async I/O
/// by blocking the provided runtime. Preferably a runtime only used for Arti should be provided.
impl<R: Runtime> Transport for ArtiHttpConnection<R> {
// Obtain buffers used by ureal.
fn buffers(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Buffers {
match &mut self.inner {
HttpStreamType::Secure(t) => t.buffers(),
HttpStreamType::Unsecure(ahi) => &mut ahi.buffer,
// Write received data from ureq request to arti stream.
fn transmit_output(&mut self, amount: usize, timeout: NextTimeout) -> Result<(), ureq::Error> {
let mut writer = match self.w.lock() {
Ok(w) => w,
Err(_) => {
return Err(ureq::Error::Io(std::io::Error::new(
"Mutex lock failed",
// Inner function writing to arti stream, depening on the buffer
// parameter the data from the HTTP or the HTTPS buffer is written.
let mut transmit_output_inner = |rt: R,
amount: usize,
_timeout: NextTimeout,
buffer: &mut [u8]|
-> Result<(), ureq::Error> {
let data_to_write = &buffer[..amount];
rt.block_on(async {
let inner = std::pin::Pin::new(&mut self.inner);
let rt_clone = self.rt.clone();
match inner.project() {
HttpStreamTypeProj::Secure(mut t) => {
// Write data from HTTPS buffer to arti stream.
if let Err(e) = t.transmit_output(amount, timeout) {
println!("Error: {:?}", e);
let buffer = t.buffers().output();
transmit_output_inner(rt_clone, amount, timeout, buffer)
HttpStreamTypeProj::Unsecure(ahi) => {
// Write data from HTTP buffer to arti stream.
let buffer = ahi.buffer.output();
transmit_output_inner(rt_clone, amount, timeout, buffer)
// Read data from arti stream to ureq buffer.
fn await_input(&mut self, timeout: NextTimeout) -> Result<bool, ureq::Error> {
let mut reader = match self.r.lock() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(_) => {
return Err(ureq::Error::Io(std::io::Error::new(
"Mutex lock failed",
// Inner function reading from arti stream, depending on the buffer
// parameter the data is read to the HTTP or the HTTPS buffer.
let mut await_input_inner = |rt: R, buffers: &mut [u8]| -> Result<usize, ureq::Error> {
rt.block_on(async {
let mut temp_buf = vec![0; buffers.len()];
let read_result = temp_buf).await;
match read_result {
Ok(size) if size > 0 => {
Ok(_) => Ok(0),
Err(e) => {
println!("Error: {:?}", e);
let inner = std::pin::Pin::new(&mut self.inner);
let rt_clone = self.rt.clone();
match inner.project() {
HttpStreamTypeProj::Secure(mut t) => {
// Read data from arti HTTPS stream to HTTPS buffer.
if let Err(e) = t.await_input(timeout) {
println!("Error: {:?}", e);
let buffer = t.buffers().input_append_buf();
let size = await_input_inner(rt_clone, buffer).expect("Error reading from stream.");
Ok(size > 0)
HttpStreamTypeProj::Unsecure(ahi) => {
// Read data from arti HTTP stream to HTTP buffer.
let buffer = ahi.buffer.input_append_buf();
let size = await_input_inner(rt_clone, buffer).expect("Error reading from stream.");
Ok(size > 0)
// Check if the connection is open.
fn is_open(&mut self) -> bool {
match &mut self.inner {
HttpStreamType::Secure(t) => t.is_open(),
HttpStreamType::Unsecure(_) => {
let _r = match self.r.lock() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(_) => {
return false;
/// The connector produces multiple transports and links them in a chain.
/// First a socket connection is made. If TLS is being used, the connection is upgraded to TLS.
impl<R: Runtime, TC: TlsConn> TlsConn for ArtiConnector<R, TC> {
fn connect(
details: &ConnectionDetails,
chained: Option<Box<dyn Transport>>,
) -> Result<Option<Box<dyn Transport>>, ureq::Error> {
// Reuse the chained transport if it is already created.
if chained.is_some() {
return Ok(chained);
let (host, port, use_tls) = uri_to_host_port_tls(details.uri).expect("Error parsing uri.");
// Connect to Tor using Arti, receive the stream of this
// connection and split it.
// The data of this stream will be read/written to/from the ureq buffer.
let split_stream = |host: String, port: u16| async move {
// Create a safe Tor address from the host and port.
let addr = (&host as &str, port)
.expect("Error creating Tor address.");
// Request stream from TorClient and split.
let stream = self.client.connect(addr).await.map_err(|e| {
format!("Error creating stream: {:?}", e),
let (r, w) = stream.split();
Ok::<_, ureq::Error>((r, w))
// Create a transport for bare HTTP.
// If HTTPS is used we use this bare HTTP transport to upgrade it to a TLS connection.
let insecure_transport = |host: String, port: u16| async move {
let (r, w) = split_stream(host, port).await?;
let inner = Box::new(HttpStreamType::Unsecure(Box::pin(ArtiHttpInner {
buffer: LazyBuffers::new(2048, 2048),
let transport = Box::new(ArtiHttpConnection::<R> {
inner: *inner,
r: Arc::new(Mutex::new(r)),
w: Arc::new(Mutex::new(w)),
rt: self.rt.clone(),
}) as Box<dyn Transport>;
Ok::<Box<dyn Transport>, ureq::Error>(transport)
// Block the runtime to connect to Tor and create the transport.
self.rt.block_on(async {
match use_tls {
// Create a secure HTTPS connection over TLS through Tor.
UseTls::Tls => {
// First obtain a bare HTTP transport.
let chained = if chained.is_none() {
Some(insecure_transport(host.to_string(), port).await?)
} else {
// Upgrade the bare HTTP transport to a TLS connection.
let conn = self
.connect(details, chained)
.map_err(|e| {
format!("Error creating TLS connection: {:?}", e),
.expect("TLS connection failed.");
// Split the arti stream into a read-write pair and create the transport.
let (r, w) = split_stream(host.to_string(), port).await?;
let transport = ArtiHttpConnection::<R> {
inner: *Box::new(HttpStreamType::Secure(conn)),
r: Arc::new(Mutex::new(r)),
w: Arc::new(Mutex::new(w)),
rt: self.rt.clone(),
Ok::<_, ureq::Error>(Some(Box::new(transport) as Box<dyn Transport>))
// Create a bare HTTP connection through Tor.
UseTls::Bare => insecure_transport(host.to_string(), port),
impl<R: Runtime, TC: TlsConn> ArtiConnector<R, TC> {
/// Create a new ArtiConnector with a TorClient and a TlsConn.
/// Example:
/// let rt = tor_rtcompat::PreferredRuntime::create().expect("Failed to create runtime.");
/// let tls = ureq::unversioned::transport::DefaultConnector::default();
/// let config = arti_client::TorClientConfig::default();
/// let arti_connector = arti_ureq::ArtiConnector::new(rt, tls, &config);
/// let agent = ureq::Agent::with_parts(
/// ureq::config::Config::default(),
/// arti_connector,
/// ureq::unversioned::resolver::DefaultResolver::default(),
/// };
/// agent.get("").call()?;
pub fn new(rt: R, tls_conn: TC, config: &TorClientConfig) -> Self {
let client = TorClient::with_runtime(rt.clone())
.expect("Error creating Tor Client.");
.reconfigure(config, Reconfigure::AllOrNothing)
.expect("Error applying config to Tor Client.");
Self {
client: Arc::new(client),
rt: rt.clone(),
/// Parse the URI to obtain the host, port and determine if TLS is used.
fn uri_to_host_port_tls(uri: &Uri) -> Result<(String, u16, UseTls), String> {
let use_tls = {
let scheme = uri.scheme();
if scheme == Some(&Scheme::HTTP) {
} else if scheme == Some(&Scheme::HTTPS) {
} else {
return Err("Unsupported scheme".to_owned());
let host = match {
Some(h) => h,
_ => return Err("Missing hostname".to_owned()),
let port = uri.port().map(|x| x.as_u16()).unwrap_or(match use_tls {
UseTls::Tls => 443,
UseTls::Bare => 80,
Ok((host.to_owned(), port, use_tls))
name = "arti-ureq"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
arti-client = { version = "0.25.0" }
tor-proto = { version = "0.25.0", features = [ "stream-ctrl", "tokio" ] }
tor-rtcompat= {version = "0.25.0", features = [ "async-std" ] }
ureq = { version = "=3.0.0-rc4", features = [ "charset", "gzip" ] }
tokio = { version = "1.42.0", features = [ "full" ] }
educe = "=0.4.23"
pin-project = "1.1.8"