ARM BLAS performance library wrapper for Rust

Dear Rust community,

I relied heavily on BLAS for many of my daily Rust work and I am using the ndarray and ndarray-linalg very frequently. I can use Intel-MKL, OpenBLAS or MacOS BLAS (accelerate framework) as backend for the crates. However, as we are moving to AARCH platforms, not only the x86-64 platforms, we may also shift to use ARM specific BLAS libraries despite that OpenBLAS can be compiled on ARM platforms. The ARM official performance library is release last year (Documentation – Arm Developer), providing support for both Linux, MacOS and Windows. As you may know, Microsoft is also moving to ARM (the Snap Dragon X lite surface laptop). This is a great opportunity for us to move to ARM platforms. However, the ndarray and ndarray-linalg crate (GitHub - rust-ndarray/ndarray-linalg: Linear algebra package for rust-ndarray using LAPACK binding) I mentioned before stoped maintance 2 years ago. I am here looking for developers to extend the backend to also ARM performance libraries but not only openBLAS as the only backend for ARM computers.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested.

Many thanks,


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