Argument requires that `config` is borrowed for `'static`

How do i fix this issue?

fn main() {

    let config = get_config();
    let automation = Automation::new(&config);



struct Config {
    pub name: String

fn get_config() -> Config {
    Config {
        name: "test".to_string()

struct Automation {
    pub config: &'static Config

impl  Automation {
    pub fn new(config: &'static Config) -> Self {
        Automation {

When i compile this i get this error
error[E0597]: `config` does not live long enough
 --> src/
4 |     let automation = Automation::new(&config);
  |                      ----------------^^^^^^^-
  |                      |               |
  |                      |               borrowed value does not live long enough
  |                      argument requires that `config` is borrowed for `'static`
8 | }
  | - `config` dropped here while still borrowed

I am newb to i doing something wrong?

In main(), config's lifetime isn't static, while Automation::new requires the static lifetime.

You can make Automation accept it's own lifetime:

struct Automation<'a> {
    pub config: &'a Config

impl<'a> Automation<'a> {
    pub fn new(config: &'a Config) -> Self {
        Automation {

Thank you that helped

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BTW: lifetimes lock structs to the scope in which the temporary borrow has been created. 99% of the time you want structs to own data:

struct Automation {
    pub config: Config

If you want to store Config by reference, then use Box<Config> (storing things by reference, and temporarily borrowing with references are different things in Rust).

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