API development - flatten different structs to pass as Query Parameters

I am developing an API (based on actix) and across all the routes there are several classes of query parameters that I want to allow for different routes. I am setting up structs for the parameters like:

// just a Test struct
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Test {
    pub limit: Option<usize>,
    pub pt: Option<usize>,

// Struct for data subsetting
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DataSubsetting {
    pub subset: String,
    pub datetime: String,
    pub properties: Vec<String>,
    pub exclude_properties: Vec<String>,

Now I want to use these structs in e.g. my /data route and therefore I "combine" my structs into a QueryParameter struct by flattening them with serde...

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct QueryParams {
    pub limitandtest: Option<Test>,
    pub data_subsetting: Option<DataSubsetting>,

... be able to pass it to my data_handler function like so.

pub async fn data_handler(query: web::Query<QueryParams>) -> impl Responder { 
    if let Some(subsetting) = &query.data_subsetting {
        println!("Subset: {:?}", subsetting);
        println!("Subset: {:?}", subsetting.subset);
    if let Some(test) = &query.limitandtest {
        println!("limitandtest: {:?}", test);

I followed this but was not able to get any values in the println! statements except the structure of the QueryParams variable with all values being None. However, if I just pass Test to the data_handler I get my desired output. What is wrong with the way I write my QueryParams struct?

I also saw this, but it does not seem to satisfy my requirements as the possible query parameters are static and will not change at all.

Any help is much appreciated!

Changing this

to this

// Struct for data subsetting
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DataSubsetting {
    pub subset: Option<String>,
    pub datetime: Option<String>,
    pub properties: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub exclude_properties: Option<Vec<String>>,

solved the issue.