Announcing an XML SAX interface crate and parser implementation (xml_sax & xml_oxide)

Hi Rustaceans!
Updated library to version v0.0.5


  1. Internal changes to the parser, SAX interface doesn't change so my unit tests are not affected. :grin:
  2. Minimum RAM usage (it removes chars from memory after tags pass).
  3. High CPU usage (this is not a feature! :roll_eyes: )

To-do list include:

  1. Making SAX namespace aware
  2. Ensuring SAX Interface is beautiful so that it gets community acceptance. I need help & opinions here!
  3. Write SAX adapter libraries for other XML parsers. (This is one benefit of interface library)

In my vision these libraries could provide code reuse across community if they get community acceptance.

(any xml parser implementation) => XML SAX Interface => XML DOM Interface(trait + objects?) => XSD,XSLT,WSDL,Mapping libraries/applications

This ensures applications/libraries can change underlying implementations easier.

Thank you for reading.