[ANN] crypto-bigint v0.6.0: a big integer library designed with constant-time algorithms for cryptography

The crypto-bigint library in Rust is designed for fixed-precision arithmetic on arbitrary sized integers, particularly focused on cryptographic applications where constant-time operation on secret values (e.g. keys, plaintexts) is required. It provides a high-level API for performing mathematical operations on big integers, which are too large for the native integer types (e.g. u32, u64, u128) in Rust.

This release includes a large amount of new functionality including fully-featured heap-allocated unsigned integer support (i.e. BoxedUint) as well as initial support for stack-allocated signed integers (i.e. Int) using a two's complement representation. Heap allocated integers are needed to support large numbers of varying key sizes, such as are used by the RSA and DSA algorithms. A PR is open to migrate the RustCrypto rsa crate to use crypto-bigint.

This augments the existing stack-allocated Uint type which is both "heapless" no_std and const fn friendly.

Extensive support for modular arithmetic can be found under the crypto_bigint::modular module, which contains support for Montgomery form.

The complementary crypto-primes library (release with v0.6 support forthcoming) provides various prime number algorithms.
