About impl dyn Trait

What is the semantic of A ? It seems it is not a default implementation.

trait Trait {
    fn demo(&self);
struct S;
impl dyn Trait {         // A
    fn demo(&self) {}
//impl Trait for S {}
fn main() {
    let a = S;

To define a default implementation, put it in the trait definition directly:

trait Trait {
    fn demo(&self) { /* ... */ }

dyn Trait is a builtin Rust type used for dynamic dispatch, so the impl dyn Trait is defining inherent methods for dyn Trait objects, the same way that impl S defines them for the type S-- The methods defined here can only be called on a dyn Trait object. This can occasionally be useful to provide an alternative implementation of trait methods that require Self: Sized :

trait Trait {
    fn demo(&self)->Self where Self: Sized { unimplemented!() }

impl dyn Trait {
    fn dyn_demo(&self)->Box<dyn Trait> { unimplemented!() }

aha , got it , it is a bonus for Trait Object

trait Trait {
    fn demo(&self) {println!("static");}

struct S;

impl dyn Trait {
    fn demo2(&self) {println!("dyn");}
impl Trait for S {}
fn main() {
    let a = S;
    let b : &dyn Trait = &S;

The thing to understand here is that dyn Trait is a specific separate type from e.g. the struct S. It's just that a &S can be converted to an &dyn Trait.

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