A problem about doing binary tree traversal with rust

I am a rust beginer and I meet a problem when I do a simple preorder traversal with rust:

impl Solution {
    pub fn preorder_traversal(root: Option<Rc<RefCell<TreeNode>>>) -> Vec<i32> {
        let mut ans = Vec::new();
        if let Some(root) = root {
            let mut stk: Vec<Rc<RefCell<TreeNode>>> = vec![root];
            while !stk.is_empty() {
                if let Some(cur) = stk.pop() { // cur: Rc<RefCell<TreeNode>>
                    if let Some(right) = cur.borrow_mut().right.take() { stk.push(right); }
                    if let Some(left) = cur.borrow_mut().left.take() { stk.push(left); }
            /* the following code is wrong, why???
            while !stk.is_empty() {
                let mut cur = stk.pop().unwrap();
                if let Some(right) = cur.borrow_mut().right.take() { stk.push(right); }
                if let Some(left) = cur.borrow_mut().left.take() { stk.push(left); }

                Line 30: Char 37: error: `cur` does not live long enough (solution.rs)
                27 |                 let mut cur = stk.pop().unwrap();
                   |                     ------- binding `cur` declared here
                30 |                 if let Some(left) = cur.borrow_mut().left.take() { stk.push(left); }
                   |                                     ^^^-------------
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     borrowed value does not live long enough
                   |                                     a temporary with access to the borrow is created here ...
                31 |             }
                   |             -
                   |             |
                   |             `cur` dropped here while still borrowed
                   |             ... and the borrow might be used here, when that temporary is dropped and runs the destructor for type `RefMut<'_, tree_node::TreeNode>`
                help: consider adding semicolon after the expression so its temporaries are dropped sooner, before the local variables declared by the block are dropped
                30 |                 if let Some(left) = cur.borrow_mut().left.take() { stk.push(left); };
                   |                                                                                     +

                For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0597`.
                error: could not compile `prog` (bin "prog") due to 1 previous error

It seem that if let Some(x) = y has a huge difference with let x = y.unwrap().
Who can tell me why, thanks a lot! :blush: