256WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: copyBufferSubData: Cannot copy into an element buffer destination from a non-element buffer source

  1. I have a wgpu program (Rust / wasm32 / Chrome) that validates fine for backend WebGL2.

  2. During runtime, it generates the WebGL2 warning :slight_smile:

256WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: copyBufferSubData: Cannot copy into an element buffer destination from a non-element buffer source

Note, this is not a wgpu validation error. This is something that validated fine for wgpu, but, on webgl2 backend, generates this error.

Question: How do I figure out what is triggering this error? This is not an exception, so I'm not getting a backtrace. This is not a wgpu validation error, so I am not getting the label from the wgpu render pipeline.


If a WebGL error is produced, that's a bug in wgpu, and the thing to do is to condense your program to a reproduction of the bug and file a bug report.


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