An in-planning conference being organized in Berlin in September, 2016. cc @skade
Is anyone else planning a conference or large event over the next near or two? If so, want to describe where and when you are thinking about having it so we don't accidentally start planning competing events, and work out any other issues sooner rather than later? Is there anything the community team can help out with to get you up and running?
From what I gather, the (Tilde) pattern of conferences is to first hold a "Camp" and if that goes well then hold a "Conf". The camp allows the team holding the camp to practice prior to holding a larger conference as well as gauge the public interest in such an event.
Tilde did an EmberCamp prior to EmberConf as well.
Yes. The idea is that "camp" evokes a lesser status than "conf" does; we used RustCamp as the name last year since it was our first conference. It was smaller, we wanted expectations to be a bit lower. This year's RustConf should be bigger and better, so it gets the better name.